third novel, Breaking the Rules, released yesterday! What a thrill! What I
wish I knew was the amount of promotion I had to undertake to prepare for
release, especially with my own blog tour. So, guess what? That’s where my
advice comes from today.
my first book, Time Changes Everything,
I was lucky to have a publicist to arrange blog tours, reviews, etc. It all depends on the publisher
you work with. This time around, I’ve done it all. At one point, I was really
tired and hired a Tour Company. Which tour companies are available?
are my suggestions of places I’ve used as a blogger (
to promote other authors books. They have great services and excellent prices.
It is totally worth outsourcing another party if you are short on time or just
want to focus on writing.

GoddessFish Tours – Very well-organized and well-known.
BookMonster Book Promotions – Award winning
Shadesof Rose – newer but well-organized and our very own Lacey helps out with this
Author’sTaproom – new but extremely well promoted by bloggers creator of Guilty Pleasures Blog.
There are many more places and you could give a look at Google. Check out the websites
for listings of prices and services. One will be a perfect fit for you.
types of services do most of the tour companys have? There’s a huge range from:
a. A Release Day Blitz
b. Cover Reveals
c. Blurb Tours
d. Excerpt Tours
e. Full Blog Tours with Guest
Posts, Interviews and Reviews
the list goes on depending on the tour company.
best part is that the tour company plans it all for you! They find the blogs,
act as the mediator and fix any problems. In my opinion, totally worth it!
week I will talk about what you, as an author, have to do to prepare for a blog
tour – hosted by yourself or a company. Thanks for stopping by!
Melinda Dozier is a teacher by day and a sassy romance writer by night. She lives in Guatemala, Central America with the love of her life and three boys. Her debut novel, Time Changes Everything was released by Entranced Publishing on May 13, 2013. Her newest contemporary romance, Breaking the Rules, will be released next week on July 8, 2013 from Crimson Romance. You can find Melinda at her website: or on Twitter
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